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Congratulations Blueprint Communities!

We are excited to learn and grow and strategize alongside these community members, who have already been dedicating time and energy to make the places they live, the places they love.” The time has come! We are excited to share the six communities who will be beginning the next round of the Blueprint Communities initiative in West Virginia. Our Community Development Network Coordinator Kaycie Stushek has a story up on our blog with the official announcement.

Working with their communities beginning this May, teams from the following areas will take part in a year-long process to create a strategy to build community assets, engage residents, overcome challenges, and attract new investment:

  • Kingwood (Preston County);
  • Lewis County;
  • Meadow River Valley region (Greenbrier County);
  • Monticello neighborhood of Clarksburg (Harrison County);
  • New Martinsville (Wetzel County); and
  • Parsons (Tucker County). 

Congratulations Blueprint Communities!  Read the story »

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