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2020 VIRTUAL Girl’s Day Out Bash

The much anticipated Girls Day Out Bash is happening this year!

Due to COVID, this year’s event will be held virtually on Sunday, November 22nd on Facebook Live at 6pm.  Each ticket will have two chances to win any of the brand named items from a variety of designers such as Michael Kors, Kate Spade, Coach and more.

Your continued support of the Preston County Chamber of Commerce is greatly appreciated.  You can purchase your chance to win by clicking the link below or by catching up with Kristy Ash, Executive Director or any of our Board Members; Michael McGovern with Alpine Lake, Bo Burnside with Clear Mountain Bank, Kerry Gnik with Camp Dawson Event Center, Trella Greaser with Genesis Health, Bill Shockey with WVU Extension, Carrie See with Carrie See Insurance, Lucas Tatham with Modern Homestead, Cody Thompson with Wesbanco and Tim Wotring with Prodigi

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