LaDeana Teets is happy to be one of the “newbies” on the Chamber Board! She and her husband, Mark, live on a 126-acre farm near Amboy on the Aurora Pike where they care for their flock of sheep that consists of 250 ewes. They are the parents of two sons, Thomas and Lindsey Teets.
Along with being shepherds on the farm, Mark and LaDeana are both ordained ministers where they pastor the Brookside Church in Aurora. They both have a love for missions here and with the Bolivian Mission Team in South America. LaDeana is the Director for Preston County Farmland Protection Board, an advisor for the FSA County Committee, an agriculture member on the EDA Board and the secretary/treasurer for the Hope, Love and Charity Foundation.
LaDeana has a love for history, travel, gardening and canning. But her favorite passed time is just being grandma to her seven grandsons and teaching them how to be the next generation of farmers to care the land.
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